domingo, 14 de marzo de 2010

Salida a Florida! Output to Florida!

Ayer salimos con Kim, Gonzalo y Florencia por Florida. La pase super bien y re entretenida :)
Resulta que fuimos a jugar a los juegos, a todo moda, a Starbooks ( creo que se escribia asi jaja) y a un monton de lados.
Nos sacamos una foto con Kim wiiiiiiii!!! xD
Habia una pareja de una tribu hurbana que nos "seguia" jajaja y no se que mas contar u.u
Cuando volviamos hacia el lugar donde vivimos, despues de dejar a Gonzalo en el obelisco para que tomara el colectivo para ir a su casa, volvimos con Florencia y Kim; Florencia fue hacia donde queda su casa y bueno ahi se quedo (? xD
Como Kim no vive cerca se tuvo que tomar un colectivo para ir a su casa u.u encima que ya era de noche jeje y ddespues cuando yo regresaba a mi hogar (? me cruze con la mama de una vieja amiga ñ_ñ y bueno hablamos un ratito hasta que se le hizo tarde y se fue a tomar su rumbo :3
Y en casa escuche musica!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D y justo ese día se habia estrenado el MV de Lollipop 2 part. y encontre la nueva canción de 2NE1 (Try follow me), y tambien encontre un tema de B2ST ( Shock) ñ_ñ
Aqui les dejo el video de 2NE1 que esta super super bueno y extravagante.
Que lo disfruten!!! (Mirenlo en HD para mejor definición).

Yesterday we went to Kim, Gonzalo and Florencia Florida. The super pass and re good fun:)
Turns out we went to play the games, all fashion, Starbooks (I think he wrote well haha) and a lot of sides.
Had her photo taken with Kim wiiiiiiii! xD
There were a couple of a tribe hurbano we "followed" jajaja not know what else to tell uu
When we returned to where we live, after leaving Gonzalo on the obelisk to take the bus to go home, and Kim returned to Florencia, Florencia walked over to her house and is good stay there (? XD
As Kim did not live nearby had to take a bus to go home over uu that it was dark and ddespues jeje when I returned to my home (? I run into the breast of an old friend and good ñ_ñ talked a while until that he was late and went to take its course: 3
And listen to music at home !!!!!!!!!!!!! : D and just that day had released the MV Lollipop 2 part. and find the new song 2NE1 (Try follow me), and also found an issue B2ST (Shock) ñ_ñ
Aqui les dejo 2NE1 video of this super super nice and extravagant.
Que lo disfruten! (Mirenlo in HD for better definition.)

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My first publication in this blog =)

Hello! This is my first personal blog, and that makes me very happy =D
I wanted to tell that to those who have facebook I can enconrar in the name of: Sora Akira or Majo Lopez
The truth is that you handle a lot with blogs because I had never had one u.u
My idea with this new blog was to get pictures of things that interest most, and also upload a variety of hairstyles and makeup which I hope you like it =)
Thank you very much for joining my blog.
I wish you luck and happiness =)

Bands I like =)

Bands I like =)
This image is from the band Big Bang is one of the best bands of Hip Hop koreano =) its members are: G-Dragon (leader), TOP, Taeyang, Seungri y. ..


Integrantes: U-Know Yunho (lider), Hero Jaejoong, Max Chagmin, Xiah Junsu y Micky Yoochun.






I want to sound like it = 3

G-Dragon ♥

G-Dragon ♥